After winning the 2014 Appy Award and being called ‘Instagram for your Inbox’ by the International Digital Times, Inboxcube mail app has been redesigned for speed, simplicity and it’s unique visual file library.
Works with Gmail, Apple, MS Outlook and other IMAP based email providers. The email list is straightforward without any gimmicky features. A throwback to more simpler times, see each message as it comes in and swipe left or right to mark read/unread, flag or delete messages.
Getting to documents, photos and links is fast and easy in the visual library. Whether you’re looking for an important PDF, a link to an interesting article or a funny YouTube video, you can count on seeing it quickly with large thumbnails in the library.
You can even create your own boards - we call them cubes - to save important documents, photos and links for easy access when you’re on the go.
With select push notifications, you’ll never miss an important attachment or link while cutting through the clutter of all your incoming emails.
Give it a try today, we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!
Feel free to email us anytime at: [email protected]